Link to us...

Linking to this site will help others to join the campaign and reduce waste

You can link to us at in whatever way you like, but here are a few suggestions for simple links:

This code:

<a href="" target="_blank">Think Before Printing</a> is a global campaign to reduce wasteful printing

Looks like this:
Think Before Printing is a global campaign to reduce wasteful printing

This code:

Add a free and eco-friendly signature to your emails at <a href="" target="_blank">Think Before Printing</a>

Looks like this:
Add a free and eco-friendly signature to your emails at Think Before Printing

You can right-click and select "Save as..." or "Save image as..." to save these images to use on your own documents and websites.

Please consider the environment before printing

Please consider the environment before printing this document

Please consider the environment before printing this web page

If you use these graphics we'd appreciate a link, but it's not compulsory.

You can get all the files at once by downloading this .ZIP file or this .RAR file.

© Campaign